The Fun of Winter Citrus

Winter is when oranges of any kind are their most delicious. I don’t know about you, but I find great fruit is hard to come by. But in January, you can usually find some delicious citrus. It is so good, it can be hard to eat because of the out-of-control juiciness. 

I recently bought a big bag of Valencia oranges.There’s two ways to eat these:  peel and section, or slice, soccer-mom style. Both will get your hands all sticky. if you do opt for slicing, though, you can sort of put the whole thing in your mouth at once and remove the peel easily with the help of your teeth and have the juice go straight into your mouth. AND you can do this:

I did this recently while getting on an elevator and it made me laugh out loud to myself. I immediately felt like a little kid in the cafeteria at lunch, collapsing into giggles as several of us turned our teeth into orange masses. Standing there on the elevator I so wanted to share this experience. I giggled nervously, hoping someone would get on the elevator so I could just open my mouth wide and make them laugh. I waited anxiously as the elevator dinged on each floor. I worried about how awkward it would feel if they didn’t laugh or simply ignored me as people often do on elevators. But surely they would laugh, right? Maybe that bit of silliness would brighten their day. Ever hopeful, I bravely kept the orange peel on my teeth waiting. 

No one ever got on. I had to accept that. But I laughed and it did brighten my day. 

Why do kids get to have all the fun? As adults many of us let fun go somewhere along the way. Like everything else is so much more important that there isn’t just time for fun. Ever feel like you wasted time playing a video game, doing a puzzle, or doodling on a piece of paper? Ever feel like reading a cheap romance novel was indulgent and embarrassing? You know what it really was?  FUN.

In her Ted Talk, Catherine Price, award-winning health and science journalist and author of The  Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again says that fun is energizing, makes us present, unites us, makes us healthier and more joyful.  She says boldly: “Fun is the secret to truly feeling alive”.  

So go, stick an orange peel in your pie hole and make someone laugh. It’ll be fun.

What I’m Consuming This Month…

The Good Place (Netflix)

I know I’m way late to this party, but that just means I can binge watch this crazy smart comedy about being accidentally sent to heaven and trying to stay there without being caught. The writing and acting are just excellent and the twists and turns are so much fun. It’s become my comfort food and I will miss it when I get to the series finale…

Out of the Corner

by Jennifer Grey

Jennifer Grey - of Dirty Dancing and Ferris Bueller fame - what a story! Michael J Fox said it best: “Out of the Corner is a revelation, a work of emotional generosity and personal courage. It’s sneaky brilliant. Love it and love Jennifer. Baby got Book.” Nose jobs! Porn theatres! Johnny Depp! Madonna!

News About StepOne

Put Me in Coach!

Many of you may not have known that I have added coaching to my skill set over the last three years. Been coaching clients since 2020 and am now working to finalize my coaching certifications, which will include ACC level Certified Productivity Coach (CPC) and Positive Intelligence Certified PQ Coach. My mental fitness boot camp is part of my coaching offerings

Mental Fitness Bootcamp

Would you like to have more fun? Be content every day? Have relationships with great communication and understanding? Be less stressed? Achieve peace of mind? Live a life of ease, and flow?  Have the clarity to design a life that aligns with what matters most to you?!?

Sounds like a tall order, but if you are mentally fit, you can have all this and more. 

My 10-week mental fitness bootcamp, a program founded in neuroscience that incorporates all the essential elements to lasting change: awareness, mindfulness, accountability and daily practice. 

New groups starting in February & April.


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